Cellophane, Sticky Tape and PD…a disaster waiting to happen!

I can’t believe that it’s been so long since I wrote in here. So much has been happening , so there’s been a lot to write about….but maybe there’s been too much and I haven’t had the time! Whatever it is, I’m glad to finally be able to put ‘pen to paper ‘ again…..or I guess it’s gotta be ‘finger to keyboard’ now.

After going to bed on New Year’ Eve full of hope and determination that 2018 was going to be my year of good things, January and the first two weeks of February decided that they would do their utmost to destroy that resolution. Breakages of bones, sickness of family members and various other obstacles appeared and threatened to make this year one that would be best forgotten! However, what fun would that be? So….it was back  to the mantra of my PD Facebook group…. ‘ Positive, Motivated, Happy’ and throw in some of Heidi’s “Aspire, Believe, Achieve” and it’s back on track!

Now for the reason for my blog title this time; or maybe it’s self explanatory?

It started with what seemed like a good idea (as all things do). The lovely ladies at Mandurah Podietry and 4Life Physiotherapy (+Grant) Let me run some lucky number things to raise money for my fundraising efforts to support Parkinson’s WA. As it’s nearing Easter, what could be better than some Easter baskets full of goodies and wrapped beautifully with cellophane and ribbon? And that was the first mistake!

Things started out well…..my lovely friends and family donated Easter goodies…… then….I found a basket, put coconut fibre in, arranged rabbits, eggs and marshmallows in basket…so far so good. Then I started to enter one of my daily ‘off’ periods…but stubbornly refused to stop … it needed to get finished! When did putting cellophane around a basket and securing it with sticky tape get so complicated ? I used to be able to do it with my eyes shut (well nearly).

First, the stubborn fingers wouldn’t listen to my brain and refused to open the cellophane up to full size. Not to be beaten, I enlisted the help of my mouth. My toes tried to join in and did their best to dance around in encouragement. Finally it was spread out (albeit a tad wet and tooth marked on one edge.) Putting the basket onto the cellophane was a breeze 🙃 Then , stubborn fingers and all, I pulled the cellophane  up and over the top of the basket. But it didn’t quite fit. Not to worry I thought I’d sticky tape the pieces together and add a bow on top.

WRONG. I couldn’t hold the cellophane and reach the sticky tape at the same time. No problem, let go of the cellophane, grab sticky tape…can’t find the end! Fingers REALLY not cooperating now..frustration setting in! Throw tape into bin and get a new one from box. It’s wrapped in a heavy plastic bag and I can’t open it. No worries! Get scissors …..

WRONG  again! My scissors were stuck together with paint (how did that happen ?) and wouldn’t work. Aha not a problem….go to newly (and brilliantly organised )shelf  and get a new pair. Dammit they’re in a sealed hard plastic thingy . No problem, I’ll just get a pair of scissors and cut the plastic off!

Ooooops obvious problem!

Teeth no help here…toes have stopped dancing and are retreating into a knotted mass of pain. Bashing with steel ruler has no affect on the plastic, but makes me feel a bit better.

Lightbulb moment…get My Stanley Trimmer. (Note to self: Bad move when experiencing an ‘off’.) I don’t think anyone will notice the blood on the egg….yes they might….eat egg.

Stop! Take due medication. Drink two glasses of water. Stop stressing and wait until the meds kick in. Sit and meditate for the required time.

Meds kick in, I’m a ‘wrapping ninja’ ….no cellophane , sticky tape or sealed scissors can beat me! Luckily I remember another pair of scissors are in my painting supplies and they do the trick (on the sticky tape not the sealed scissors…those suckers are still in my box waiting to be freed.)

What could possibly go wrong now?

Cellophane pulled back over the basket, sticky tape end found and a piece is cut off ready to hold the cellophane. WHAT THE……? I didn’t want the tape there! It’s not doing any  good on just one piece..it needs to hold the TWO pieces together.

Meters of tape later, basket is covered in cellophane, the messy masses of tape are almost disguised by ribbon and a bow and my finger has stopped bleeding. Then I realised that I had three more baskets to wrap.

Luckily my sisters are on speed dial!

ahh the fun that can be had living with PD. Who needs a circus?

cheers and have a great day.

Sending a ‘virtual hug’ to who ever needs one 🤗

Author: bobbleheadnanna

Since being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in September 2010, I have undergone a journey of discovery and reinvention. I had to go through the grieving process of course, but 7 years down the track, I'm still here and still fighting. This blog is a way to express myself and more importantly try to spread awareness of this chronic disease. I try to tackle challenges with humour and hope you enjoy my posts.

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